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Confidentiality and privacy policy

Update on 19/09/2023.

Playereach cares about the protection of the data of its users , below you can consult our privacy policy.

  1. About our privacy policy
  2. Lexicon
  3. How to contact the team?
  4. What personal information do we process?
  5. Why is it necessary for you to provide us with some of your personal information?
  6. Why do we collect your personal information and how do we use it?
  7. How long do we retain your personal information?
  8. What types of fully automated decisions or profiling do we use?
  9. Who are the recipients of your personal information?
  10. Do we transfer your personal information outside of the EU?
  11. How do we use your cookies?
  12. What are your rights ?
  13. How to exercise your rights?

1. About our privacy policy

This privacy policy applies to personal information that Playereach collects with your consent or automatically when you visit our platform or use our services. We explain why and how we handle your personal information below.

This privacy policy is effective from :date.

We may need to update this privacy policy at any time, and we will notify you accordingly by email, or other means of electronic notification, shortly before any such changes take effect. measured.

2. Lexicon

Services: refers to all the online services that we offer to you when you access or use our platform.

Platform: refers to our website which you can access from the following address:

We, Our, and Playereach: refers to our company, SASU Born2Play, a company, domiciled at 21 rue Romain Rolland - 69200 Vénissieux.

Personal information: refers to all the information that concerns you, and that allows you to identify yourself, directly or indirectly.

3. How to contact the team?

Services: refers to all the online services that we offer to you when you access or use our platform.

Platform: refers to our website which you can access from the following address:

We, Our, and Playereach: refers to our company, SASU Born2Play, a company, domiciled at 21 rue Romain Rolland - 69200 Vénissieux.

Personal information: refers to all the information that concerns you, and that allows you to identify yourself, directly or indirectly.

You can contact us in different ways:

  • By sending us a letter to the following address: 21 rue Romain Rolland - 69200 Vénissieux.
  • By sending an email to our data protection officer at the following address: [email protected].
  • By using our contact form.

4. What personal information do we process?

We process several types of personal information:

Personal information you need to give us: Depending on how you use our services, you may need to give us certain types of personal information.

Account Information (email address, username, password)

Personal information that you can give us: When you use our services, you may need to send us other types of personal information.

Additional Information (your nickname, your avatar)

Your Activity (your reviews, your server page, your reports, your comments)

Personal information we collect automatically: We will also collect certain types of personal information when you visit our platform and use our services.

Behavioral data (page views, clicks, duration of your sessions)

Log data and device information (date and time, IP address)

Personal information that we collect through our partners (with your consent): When you consent (for example, when you accept third-party cookies on our platform or on third-party sites).

Behavioral data (page views, time spent on the platform, clicks, interactions with the platform, ...)

Log data and device information (date and time, IP address, geolocation, browser information, screen size, operating system, unique device identifier)

5. Why is it necessary for you to provide us with some of your personal information?

Sometimes we need you to share some of your personal information with us. We collect it when it is necessary for the provision of our services or for legal reasons. For example, we need to collect your email address when you subscribe to our newsletter or when you create an account on our platform.

Your inability to provide us with this mandatory information may have direct consequences on your use of our services: we will not be able to create your account, we will not be able to provide all or part of our services, etc.

6. Why do we collect your personal information and how do we use it?

We need to use your personal information in different situations, because we have a legal basis for processing, which can be:
  • The need to conclude or execute our General Conditions of Use (contractual necessity)
  • The need to respect our legal obligations (legal obligation)
  • Our legitimate interest in processing your personal information (our legitimate interest)
  • You have consented to this processing (your consent)

Namely that you have the right to withdraw your consent relating to the aforementioned processing at any time by contacting us or by withdrawing your personal information from the platform yourself, when possible.

We collect, process and use your personal information for the following purposes:

To register and connect to our platformContractual necessityAccount Info
To provide our servicesContractual necessityAccount information, additional information, your Activity.
So that you can personalize your user profileConsentAccount Info
To send you our weekly newsletter, e-mail notificationsConsentAccount Info
To send you support messages, updates, security alerts, and account notificationsContractual necessity
Legal obligation
Account Info
To keep a history of your actions and pages visited on our platformLegitimate interestLog data, device information, account information.
To improve our platform and our servicesLegitimate interestAccount information, Additional information, your activity, log data, device information.

7. How long do we retain your personal information?

We keep your personal information for the time necessary to fulfill the purposes for which it was collected, in particular as long as you continue to use our services and for a period of 3 (three) years after your last use of our services or our last exchanges with you.

At the end of the aforementioned period, we will be able to contact you to determine whether you wish to continue using our services. In the absence of a positive and explicit response from you, your personal information will be deleted and archived in accordance with the provisions in force.

In the event that your account is permanently banned, we will keep some of your personal information for a period of between 1 and 3 (one to three) years to prevent you from circumventing the rules applicable to our platform.

We keep the data associated with cookies for a period of 30 days from their collection, in the event that you are not connected to our Platform, and up to 13 months in other cases.

8. What types of fully automated decisions or profiling do we use?

Profiling is processing using an individual"s personal data in order to analyze and predict their behavior, such as: determining their health, lifestyle, etc.

It is for this fact that we do not use any profiling method , we do not wish to identify the profile of our users, being concerned about your privacy.

9. Who are the recipients of your personal information?

We do not sell your personal data to third parties.

We work with third parties who are the recipients of your personal information such as:

  • Our technical or analytical subcontractors. They are, for example, likely to help us: analyze our traffic, verify the legitimacy of an IP address, perform debugging. These providers have limited access to your information to be able to perform these tasks on our behalf and are contractually obligated to protect it and only use it for the purposes for which it was intended and in accordance with this privacy policy. These are the subcontractors:

10. Do we transfer your personal information outside of the EU?

Your personal information is stored in France, at OVH, our French host.None of your personal data is transferred outside of the European Union.

11. How do we use your cookies?

A cookie is a small text file that a website places on the device that is used to view it, and that stores information for later connection.

We use cookies for different purposes. Find out about all the uses that are made of it and adjust your preferences in our Cookie Policy .

12. What are your rights?

You have several rights related to your personal information under the GDPR:

Permission to accessYou have the right to obtain a copy of your personal information in our possession.
Right of rectificationYou have the right to rectify or complete your personal information if it is incorrect or incomplete.
Right to erasureYou have the right to request the deletion of your personal information. Please note that this right is not absolute and that it may only apply in certain situations (for example, only if the personal information is no longer necessary for the success of the purpose for which it is had initially collected or processed, ...)
Right to restriction of processingYou have the right to request the restriction of the processing of your personal information when you have a particular reason for wanting this restriction.
Right to data portabilityYou have the right to request the portability of your personal information. This means that you have the right to receive the personal information that you have transmitted to us, in a structured, open and machine-readable format.
Right of oppositionYou have the right to object to the processing of your personal information. This allows you to ask us to stop processing your personal information.
Law relating to automated individual decision-makingYou have the right not to be the subject of a decision based exclusively on automated processing, including profiling, producing legal effects concerning you or significantly affecting you in a similar way.
Right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority

You have the right to lodge a complaint with the French supervisory authority if you consider that the processing of your personal information constitutes a violation of the GDPR. Contact details of the competent authority in France: Commission Nationale de l"Informatique et des Libertés - CNIL 8 rue Vivienne, CS 30223 F-75002 Paris, Cedex 02. Tel. +33 1 53 73 22 22. Fax +33 1 53 73 22 00. Site:

13. How to exercise your rights?

Right of rectificationYou can exercise this right by going to your account settings from which you can update your personal information.
Right to erasure

You can exercise this right by going to your account settings, by clicking on the "Delete my account" button located in the "My account" section. We will retain your account and associated personal information for 30 days before it is permanently deleted. You can change your decision at any time in the meantime by contacting us.

Please note, however, that some of your personal information may be retained, in accordance with Article 7 of this privacy policy.

Right of access/data portabilityYou can exercise this right by contacting us (providing proof of your identity) and we will provide these to you in machine-readable formats within a maximum of one month.

To exercise your other rights, we invite you to contact us by following the procedures defined in article 3 of this confidentiality policy. Please note that we may ask you to prove your identity to ensure that we are addressing you directly.

We will make sure to take your request into account and get back to you within a maximum of one month.

In some exceptional cases, we may not be able to accept your request because the rights related to your personal information only apply in certain circumstances or depend on the legal basis of processing used: we will inform you then of this impossibility.